- 副主任医师 肿瘤科
[职称] 副主任医师
[学位] 博士
2002.9-2009.7 吉林大学白求恩医学院 临床医学七年制 本硕连读 长学制学生
2013.9-2016.7 北京大学 外科学(普外) 博士研究生
2009.7-2020.12 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 胃肠、肝胆肿瘤外科 住院、主治医师
2020.1-至今 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 胃肠、肝胆肿瘤外科 副主任医师
2017.9-至今 首都医科大学 外科学(普外) 讲师
2015.4-2016.4 东京大学高级研究学者/第37期笹川医学奖学金研究员
1.孙志鹏,许光中,阿民布和,樊 庆,彭吉润,张能维。APE-1对肝癌细胞裸鼠成瘤能力及PKM-2表达的影响及机制探索. 安徽医科大学学报. 2020;55(12):1872-1876。
2.Sun Z , Zheng X , Chen G , et al. Technical details of and prognosis for the "China stitch", a novel technique for totally laparoscopic hand-sewn esophagojejunostomy[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2020, 14(1).
3.孙志鹏,许光中,阿民布和,樊 庆,彭吉润,张能维。APE-1对肝癌细胞裸鼠成瘤能力及PKM-2表达的影响及机制探索. 安徽医科大学学报. 2020;55(12):1872-1876。
4.Sun Z , Zhang D , Xu G , et al. Laparoscopic treatment of median arcuate ligament syndrome[J]. Intractable & Rare Diseases Research, 2019, 8(2):108.
5.Tatsuo, Sawakami, Zhipeng Sun(共同一作), et al. The impact of apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease I on hepatocyte immuno-inflammatory factors and cell apoptosis[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2019, 13(6):539-545.
6.Zhipeng, Sun, Yubing, et al. Differential expression of APE1 in hepatocellular carcinoma and the effects on proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells.[J]. BioScience Trends, 2018.
7.Yan W , Sun Z P(共同一作) , Lian D B , et al. Long-limb length difference had no effect on outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for obese Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A CONSORT compliant article[J]. Medicine, 2018, 97(22):e10927.
8.Yubing Z , Zhipeng S(共同一作) , Yanmin D , et al. Evaluation of insulin resistance improvement after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery with HOMA-IR[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2017, 11(6):675-681.
9.Zhipeng Sun, Yubing Zhu, Nengwei Zhang. Theory and practice of laparoscopic surgery against omohyoid muscle syndrome[J]. Intractable & Rare Diseases Research, 2017.
10.Tang Qi, Zhipeng Sun(共同一作),etal. Cost-Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial in China.[J]. Medicine, 2016.
11.Zhipeng S , Yubing Z , Bin Z , et al. Controversy and progress for treatment of acute cholangitis after Tokyo Guidelines (TG13).[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2016, 10(1):22.
12.Sun Z, Zhu Y, Xu G, Aminbuhe, Zhang N. Regression analysis of the risk factors for postoperative nosocomial infection in patients with abdominal tumors: experience from a large cancer centre in China. Drug Discov Ther. 2016, 9(6):411-6.
13.Sun Z P , Zhu Y B , Zhang N W . Laparoscopic Omohyoid Muscle Transection Surgery: A Novel Procedure Against Omohyoid Muscle Syndrome[J]. Chinese Medical Journal, 2016, 129.
14.Sun Z P , Zhu Y B , Zhang N W Status of and prospects for cancer vaccines against hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical trials[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2015.
15.Sun Z , Zhu Y , Zhang N . The detail of the en bloc technique and prognosis of spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer[J]. World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2015, 13(1):322.
16.Sun Z , Zhu Y , Zhang N. A systematic review and meta-analysis of feasibility, safety and efficacy of associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) versus twostage hepatectomy (TSH).[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2016.
17.Yin, G. , Tian, P. R. , Buhe, A. , Yan, W. , Sun, Z. P.(通讯作者). (2020). Lncrna linc00689 promotes the progression of gastric cancer through upregulation of adam9 by sponging mir-526b-3p. Cancer Management and Research, Volume 12, 4227-4239.
18.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. APE1在肝癌中的差异表达及其对肝癌细胞增殖,凋亡的影响[J]. 华中科技大学学报(医学版), 2018, v.47(06):18-23.
19.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. 腹腔镜保脾胰体尾整块切除手术治疗胰腺癌的技术细节及预后[J]. 首都医科大学学报, 2017, 38(005):733-739.
20.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. 腔镜治疗肩胛舌骨肌综合征的技术细节及预后[J]. 中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版), 2017, 10(2):82-84.
2.唐伟主译,孙志鹏等。《东京大学肝胆胰外科实录》。北京:人民卫生出版社,2019。 ...详细
[学位] 博士
2002.9-2009.7 吉林大学白求恩医学院 临床医学七年制 本硕连读 长学制学生
2013.9-2016.7 北京大学 外科学(普外) 博士研究生
2009.7-2020.12 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 胃肠、肝胆肿瘤外科 住院、主治医师
2020.1-至今 首都医科大学附属北京世纪坛医院 胃肠、肝胆肿瘤外科 副主任医师
2017.9-至今 首都医科大学 外科学(普外) 讲师
2015.4-2016.4 东京大学高级研究学者/第37期笹川医学奖学金研究员
1.孙志鹏,许光中,阿民布和,樊 庆,彭吉润,张能维。APE-1对肝癌细胞裸鼠成瘤能力及PKM-2表达的影响及机制探索. 安徽医科大学学报. 2020;55(12):1872-1876。
2.Sun Z , Zheng X , Chen G , et al. Technical details of and prognosis for the "China stitch", a novel technique for totally laparoscopic hand-sewn esophagojejunostomy[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2020, 14(1).
3.孙志鹏,许光中,阿民布和,樊 庆,彭吉润,张能维。APE-1对肝癌细胞裸鼠成瘤能力及PKM-2表达的影响及机制探索. 安徽医科大学学报. 2020;55(12):1872-1876。
4.Sun Z , Zhang D , Xu G , et al. Laparoscopic treatment of median arcuate ligament syndrome[J]. Intractable & Rare Diseases Research, 2019, 8(2):108.
5.Tatsuo, Sawakami, Zhipeng Sun(共同一作), et al. The impact of apurinic-apyrimidinic endonuclease I on hepatocyte immuno-inflammatory factors and cell apoptosis[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2019, 13(6):539-545.
6.Zhipeng, Sun, Yubing, et al. Differential expression of APE1 in hepatocellular carcinoma and the effects on proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells.[J]. BioScience Trends, 2018.
7.Yan W , Sun Z P(共同一作) , Lian D B , et al. Long-limb length difference had no effect on outcomes of laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery for obese Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A CONSORT compliant article[J]. Medicine, 2018, 97(22):e10927.
8.Yubing Z , Zhipeng S(共同一作) , Yanmin D , et al. Evaluation of insulin resistance improvement after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery with HOMA-IR[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2017, 11(6):675-681.
9.Zhipeng Sun, Yubing Zhu, Nengwei Zhang. Theory and practice of laparoscopic surgery against omohyoid muscle syndrome[J]. Intractable & Rare Diseases Research, 2017.
10.Tang Qi, Zhipeng Sun(共同一作),etal. Cost-Effectiveness of Bariatric Surgery for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial in China.[J]. Medicine, 2016.
11.Zhipeng S , Yubing Z , Bin Z , et al. Controversy and progress for treatment of acute cholangitis after Tokyo Guidelines (TG13).[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2016, 10(1):22.
12.Sun Z, Zhu Y, Xu G, Aminbuhe, Zhang N. Regression analysis of the risk factors for postoperative nosocomial infection in patients with abdominal tumors: experience from a large cancer centre in China. Drug Discov Ther. 2016, 9(6):411-6.
13.Sun Z P , Zhu Y B , Zhang N W . Laparoscopic Omohyoid Muscle Transection Surgery: A Novel Procedure Against Omohyoid Muscle Syndrome[J]. Chinese Medical Journal, 2016, 129.
14.Sun Z P , Zhu Y B , Zhang N W Status of and prospects for cancer vaccines against hepatocellular carcinoma in clinical trials[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2015.
15.Sun Z , Zhu Y , Zhang N . The detail of the en bloc technique and prognosis of spleen-preserving laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for pancreatic cancer[J]. World Journal of Surgical Oncology, 2015, 13(1):322.
16.Sun Z , Zhu Y , Zhang N. A systematic review and meta-analysis of feasibility, safety and efficacy of associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy (ALPPS) versus twostage hepatectomy (TSH).[J]. Bioscience Trends, 2016.
17.Yin, G. , Tian, P. R. , Buhe, A. , Yan, W. , Sun, Z. P.(通讯作者). (2020). Lncrna linc00689 promotes the progression of gastric cancer through upregulation of adam9 by sponging mir-526b-3p. Cancer Management and Research, Volume 12, 4227-4239.
18.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. APE1在肝癌中的差异表达及其对肝癌细胞增殖,凋亡的影响[J]. 华中科技大学学报(医学版), 2018, v.47(06):18-23.
19.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. 腹腔镜保脾胰体尾整块切除手术治疗胰腺癌的技术细节及预后[J]. 首都医科大学学报, 2017, 38(005):733-739.
20.孙志鹏, 朱昱冰, 阿民布和,等. 腔镜治疗肩胛舌骨肌综合征的技术细节及预后[J]. 中华腔镜外科杂志(电子版), 2017, 10(2):82-84.
2.唐伟主译,孙志鹏等。《东京大学肝胆胰外科实录》。北京:人民卫生出版社,2019。 ...详细
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