- 主任医师 内科
现任北京肿瘤医院、北京大学临床肿瘤学院副院长,北京市肿瘤防治研究所副所长,肾癌黑色素瘤内科主任。中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)执委会委员,中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)黑色素瘤专家委员会主任委员,中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)肾癌专家委员会主任委员,国际黑色素瘤研究联盟(Society for Melanoma Research)亚太地区主席,国际黑色素瘤基金会(MIF)海外咨询顾问。中国抗癌协会泌尿肿瘤分会常务委员,«NCCN肾癌诊治指南中国版»执笔人,«中国黑色素瘤诊治共识»及«中国黑色素瘤诊治指南»编写组执笔人。入选教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,北京市“十百千”卫生优秀人才,新世纪百千万人才工程北京市级人选。
1. Guo Jun, Si L, Kong Y, Flaherty KT, Xu X, Zhu Y, Corless CL, Li L, Li H, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Lin X, Du N, Zhang X, Li J, Wang B, Qin S. A Phase II, Open Label, Single-arm Trial of Imatinib Mesylate in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Harboring c-Kit Mutation or Amplification. J Clin Oncol. 2011, June 20, 10.1200/JCO.2010.33.9275. (IF=18.96)
2. Mao L, Si L, Chi Z, Cui C, Sheng X, Li S, Tang B, Guo Jun. A randomized phase II trial of 1 month versus 1 year of adjuvant high-dose interferon alfa-2b in high-risk acral melanoma patients. Eur J Cancer. 2011(47):1498-1503. (IF=4.943)
3. Chi Z, Li S, Sheng X, Si L, Cui C, Han M, Guo Jun. Clinical presentation, histology, and prognoses of malignant melanoma in ethnic Chinese: A study of 522 consecutive cases. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:85. (IF=3.153)
4. Kong Y, Si L, Zhu Y, Xu XG, Corless CL, Flaherty K, Li L, Li H, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Lu A, Guo Jun. Large Scale Analysis of KIT Aberrations in Chinese Patients with Melanoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17(7): 1684-1691. (IF=7.337)
5.Si L, Kong Y, Xu X, Corless CL, Flaherty KT, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Zhu Y, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Guo Jun. Prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation in Chinese melanoma patients: large scale analysis of BRAF and NRAS mutations in a 432-case cohort. Eur J Cancer.2011. (in press) (IF=4.943)
6. Chen T, Guo Jun, Yang M, Zhu X, Cao X. Chemokine-containing exosomes are released from heat-stressed tumor cells via lipid raft-dependent pathway and act as efficient tumor vaccine. J Immunol. 2011;186:2219-28. (共同第一作者,IF=5.745)
7. Chen T, Guo Jun, Han C, Yang M, Cao X. Heat shock protein 70, released from heat-stressed tumor cells, initiates antitumor immunity by inducing tumor cell chemokine production and activating dendritic cells via TLR4 pathway. J Immunol. 2009;182:1449-59. (共同第一作者,IF=5.745)
8. Schadendorf D, Algarra SM, Bastholt L, Cinat G, Dreno B, Eggermont AM, Espinosa E, Guo J, Hauschild A, Petrella T, Schachter J, Hersey P. Immunotherapy of distant metastatic disease. Ann Oncol. 2009 Aug; 20 Suppl 6:vi41-50. (IF=5.647)
9. Lu Si, Zhi-hong Chi, Xiang-qing Yuan, Chuan-liang Cui, Xi-nan Sheng, Guo Jun. A phase II study of fotemustine plus dacarbazine with dendritic cell vaccines as first-line therapy for Chinese patients with advanced acral lentiginous melanoma. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research,2009 Mar 21(1), 13-19. (IF=0.252)
10. Guo Jun, Zhu J, Sheng X, Wang X, Qu L, Han Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Huo L, Zhang S, Lin B, Yang Z. Intratumoral injection of dendritic cells in combination with local hyperthermia induces systemic antitumor effect in patients with advanced melanoma. Int J Cancer. 2007;120:2418-25. (IF=4.926) ...详细
现任北京肿瘤医院、北京大学临床肿瘤学院副院长,北京市肿瘤防治研究所副所长,肾癌黑色素瘤内科主任。中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)执委会委员,中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)黑色素瘤专家委员会主任委员,中国临床肿瘤协会(CSCO)肾癌专家委员会主任委员,国际黑色素瘤研究联盟(Society for Melanoma Research)亚太地区主席,国际黑色素瘤基金会(MIF)海外咨询顾问。中国抗癌协会泌尿肿瘤分会常务委员,«NCCN肾癌诊治指南中国版»执笔人,«中国黑色素瘤诊治共识»及«中国黑色素瘤诊治指南»编写组执笔人。入选教育部 “新世纪优秀人才支持计划”,北京市“十百千”卫生优秀人才,新世纪百千万人才工程北京市级人选。
1. Guo Jun, Si L, Kong Y, Flaherty KT, Xu X, Zhu Y, Corless CL, Li L, Li H, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Lin X, Du N, Zhang X, Li J, Wang B, Qin S. A Phase II, Open Label, Single-arm Trial of Imatinib Mesylate in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Harboring c-Kit Mutation or Amplification. J Clin Oncol. 2011, June 20, 10.1200/JCO.2010.33.9275. (IF=18.96)
2. Mao L, Si L, Chi Z, Cui C, Sheng X, Li S, Tang B, Guo Jun. A randomized phase II trial of 1 month versus 1 year of adjuvant high-dose interferon alfa-2b in high-risk acral melanoma patients. Eur J Cancer. 2011(47):1498-1503. (IF=4.943)
3. Chi Z, Li S, Sheng X, Si L, Cui C, Han M, Guo Jun. Clinical presentation, histology, and prognoses of malignant melanoma in ethnic Chinese: A study of 522 consecutive cases. BMC Cancer. 2011;11:85. (IF=3.153)
4. Kong Y, Si L, Zhu Y, Xu XG, Corless CL, Flaherty K, Li L, Li H, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Lu A, Guo Jun. Large Scale Analysis of KIT Aberrations in Chinese Patients with Melanoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2011;17(7): 1684-1691. (IF=7.337)
5.Si L, Kong Y, Xu X, Corless CL, Flaherty KT, Sheng X, Cui C, Chi Z, Zhu Y, Li S, Han M, Mao L, Guo Jun. Prevalence of BRAF V600E mutation in Chinese melanoma patients: large scale analysis of BRAF and NRAS mutations in a 432-case cohort. Eur J Cancer.2011. (in press) (IF=4.943)
6. Chen T, Guo Jun, Yang M, Zhu X, Cao X. Chemokine-containing exosomes are released from heat-stressed tumor cells via lipid raft-dependent pathway and act as efficient tumor vaccine. J Immunol. 2011;186:2219-28. (共同第一作者,IF=5.745)
7. Chen T, Guo Jun, Han C, Yang M, Cao X. Heat shock protein 70, released from heat-stressed tumor cells, initiates antitumor immunity by inducing tumor cell chemokine production and activating dendritic cells via TLR4 pathway. J Immunol. 2009;182:1449-59. (共同第一作者,IF=5.745)
8. Schadendorf D, Algarra SM, Bastholt L, Cinat G, Dreno B, Eggermont AM, Espinosa E, Guo J, Hauschild A, Petrella T, Schachter J, Hersey P. Immunotherapy of distant metastatic disease. Ann Oncol. 2009 Aug; 20 Suppl 6:vi41-50. (IF=5.647)
9. Lu Si, Zhi-hong Chi, Xiang-qing Yuan, Chuan-liang Cui, Xi-nan Sheng, Guo Jun. A phase II study of fotemustine plus dacarbazine with dendritic cell vaccines as first-line therapy for Chinese patients with advanced acral lentiginous melanoma. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research,2009 Mar 21(1), 13-19. (IF=0.252)
10. Guo Jun, Zhu J, Sheng X, Wang X, Qu L, Han Y, Liu Y, Zhang H, Huo L, Zhang S, Lin B, Yang Z. Intratumoral injection of dendritic cells in combination with local hyperthermia induces systemic antitumor effect in patients with advanced melanoma. Int J Cancer. 2007;120:2418-25. (IF=4.926) ...详细
北京大学肿瘤医院 第一执业
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